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Antidote Integration with Beenote
To get started using Antidote 9 integration with Beenote, you must have a paid Beenote or Beeboard account and use Firefox or Chrome browsers.
If you have a previous edition of Antidote, upgrade to Antidote 9. And if you don’t have it yet, buy it now.
Antidote integration manifests itself in two ways in the Beenote interface:
1. The appearance of icons (in the toolbar at the top right of the page) of a green hook, a green book, and an orange book.
2. The appearance of the small emblematic vial in each of the text zones.
To learn more: integrating with Beenote >
To call the dictionaries, select a word and click on the green book .
Just click on the orange book to call the language guides.
To launch the corrector, select the text you want to submit and click on the hook or the flask